Biocalce Muratura Fino

Biocalce Muratura Fino

Biocalce Muratura Fino
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Certified, eco‑friendly, natural mortar containing pure NHL 3.5, EN 459‑1 compliant lime to create extremely breathable rough coats and for the fragment‑filling and structural reinforcement of masonry.
Biocalce Muratura Fino is an M10 class mortar specifically intended for the breathable building, recovery, fragment‑filling and structural reinforcement of load‑bearing masonry and infill masonry.
  • Class M10 (compressive strength 100 kg/cm²)
  • Natural, porous and breathable, allows walls to breath
  • Long workability and adjustment times when laying new or recovered blocks and bricks
  • Soft, malleable mixture for fast, easy spreading
Rating 4
Pack 25 kg bag
Coverage ≈ 1.7 kg/dm3
Shelf life ≈ 12 months


Other in Building mortars, breathable plasters/renders and finishing products