Eco‑friendly, water‑based elastomeric latex for use as a high‑performance additive in cement‑based mortars and fine‑grain concretes.
P5 Eco increases substrate adhesion, reduces water absorption and enhances the level of compactness and flexibility. For slurry keys used in additional casting layers and in restoration work. Internal, external.
As an additive for mortars, fine and standard‑grain concrete and adhesive slurries
High‑adherence plasters with high chemical and mechanical resistance
Cement‑based rendering and patching
Flexible mineral or cement‑based finish coatings
Preparation of slurry keys for the repair or reconstruction of concrete on beams, pillars, balconies and cornices
Rating 4
25 ‑ 5 kg cans
Concrete ≈ 20 – 40% of the weight of cement mortar ≈ 20 – 40% of the weight of cement adhesive slurry ≈ 1.5 P5 Eco : 1 water : 3 cement