Certified, eco‑friendly, natural wall paint based on selected pure CL 90‑S lime putty compliant with EN 459‑1 and and naturally coloured pigments.
Biocalce Tinteggio, natural lime paint, is especially recommended for the decoration of conventional and restoration render coats to achieve high‑end decorative finishes.
Allows walls to breath
Ideal for ensuring healthy interior living spaces for a greater psychophysical wellbeing
Bacteriostatic and fungistatic classified B+ e F+ (CSTB method)
Outdoors, it gives new facades a traditional, aged look
Rating 4
4 – 14 ℓ buckets
On substrate finished with Biocalce Intonachino Fino ≈ 0.2 – 0.3 ℓ/m2 in two coats
Shelf life
≈ 12 months
Colours: see colour chart. Colours that can be reproduced: type C (Lime‑based mineral finishes)