Wallpaper Living

Wallpaper Living

Wallpaper Living
Dokumentumok tovább a dokumentumokhoz
Smooth finish plaster for Wallpaper Living resin covering. Ideal for preparing flat walls before applying the paint.
Wallpaper Living is a water‑based resin covering with a coloured superflat smooth finish.
Italian design for living comfort.
Available in the 10 Warm Collection colours.
  • High workability
  • Easy to sand
  • Excellent coverage
  • No shrinkage
Rating 3
Csomagolás buckets 20 kg
Anyagszükséglet ‑ on plasterboard or finishes with grain size ≤ 0.5 mm ≈ 0.6 ‑ 0.8 kg/m2
‑ on finishes with grain size ≥ 0.5 mm ≈ 1.3 ‑ 1.5 kg/m2
Tárolás ≈ 12 months

Továbbiak a következő helyen Resin decorative and technical coverings