

Dokumentumok tovább a dokumentumokhoz
Coloured water based micro‑resin with varnished matt finish for the re‑design all types of furnishing accessories, ceramic floors and coverings, and hardwood floors. Italian design for living comfort.
Thanks to its innovative technology, Microresina® is ideal for the protection of furnishing accessories and ceramic coverings. Perfect to cover and protect any surface with a protective and coloured ultra‑thin film. To be used as a coloured layer in the Microresina® Floor, Microresina® Parquet and Wallpaper® systems. Available in the 10 colours of the Warm collection.
  • Highly washable
  • Resistant to detergents and disinfectants
  • Varnished matt finish
  • Good coverage
Rating 1
Csomagolás part A 2.5 kg bucket + part B 0.5 kg bottle
part A 1.0 kg bucket + part B 0.2 kg bottle
Anyagszükséglet per coat ≈ 0.1 – 0.15 kg/m2
Tárolás ≈ 12 months