Fugabella Color

Decorative resin-cement for the finishing of ceramic tiles, mosaic and natural stone

Resin-cement is a hybrid technology developed by Kerakoll for use in  decorative surface finishes. It combines performance close to that of epoxy grouts with the ease of application typical of the best cement-based grouts.

Hybrid technology for high quality aesthetic performances

Resin-cement technology has been designed to ensure colour uniformity and durability.

The 50 shades of Fugabella Color feature a fine-grain finish, achieved through the use of pure calcium carbonate.

The formula is completely free from Portland cement, a substance that frequently causes anti-aesthetic whitening in joints.

Special pigments give the colours intensity, brilliance and evenness, making it possible to achieve a variety of shades that would be unattainable with ordinary Portland cement.

Smoothness and resistance for superior technical performance

Fugabella Color’s hybrid matrix has been developed from selected raw materials. They guarantee low permeability and reduced water absorption, totally eliminate the risk of salt and lime efflorescence and reduce the stainability of joints.

The special binding system combines perfectly with the extremely pure inert portion to give superior resistance to abrasion and total smoothness and long-term colour stability.

Smart technology for extreme ease of application

Fugabella Color has a soft, plastic consistency and the appearance of a thixotropic gel, and guarantees excellent workability over a wide range of temperatures and environmental conditions.

Thanks to the hybrid resin-cement technology, the mix undergoes a controlled thickening, which facilitates the total filling of the joint and subsequent washing, without causing partial emptying.

Decorative resin-cement available in 50 contemporary colours for the grouting of ceramic tiles, mosaic and natural stone.

Decorative resin-cement available in 50 contemporary colours for the grouting of ceramic tiles, mosaic and natural stone.

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